MP Visits Wolgarston High School

Theo Clarke MP visits Wolgarston High School.
Information was included in a House of Commons Official Report for Parliamentary Debate (Hansard) on 'Schools and College Funding: The Midlands' on Tuesday 9th May 2023.
As well as the report mentioning her meeting with the headteacher at Wolgarston High School in Penkridge, the report continues with....
"I also spoke to the school's mental health and wellbeing officer, who provides important support to the students. I am a long-term advocate for mental health in Stafford, and I call on the Government for more support in schools for mental health. It is not mandatory in every school. Wolgarston is a fantastic example of a headteacher taking the issue very seriously and choosing to invest time and money. I hope the Government roll that out in other schools. I also met very ambitious A-level politics students, whose questions were more aggressive than those on "Question Time", and I enjoyed being kept on my toes by those local students."